Tobias Herrmann is a young, aspiring photographer from Berlin, whose pictures have always been the vessel to express his creativity. His clean style and colorful presentations of male models can be considered his trademark.
Herrmann, born in 1986, made a detour on the way to becoming a photographer. It was in 2006 when he moved from a little village to Berlin, worked as a team leader in an advertising agency and developed a curiosity for taking photos. He soon bought his first DSLR camera and taught himself how to professionally edit pictures with Adobe Photoshop.
In 2013 he established his own business in Berlin and has since been working as a full-time web designer and photographer. This decision gave him the time and space he needed to develop and complete significant personal projects, such as his very first calendar „moMENts“.
You may have seen Herrmann's work in international fashion magazines and on various blogs, such as HUF Magazine, Querbinder, MM Scene, Égalité, Daily Male Models and Trash Magazine.